More than 8,000 professionals and 150 jobs at the service of health
Created in February 2012 with the signature of the university hospital agreement, the University Hospital of La Réunion is the 30th University Hospital in France Recently built, it has managed to consolidate its position and is now a benchmark institution in the Indian Ocean Region, renowned for the quality of its care, teaching and research.
The University Hospital of La Réunion has a state-of-the-art technical facility and teams of expert professionals. The volume of its activity currently ranks it 17th out of 32 Regional University Hospital in France.
The University Hospital of La Réunion is made up of the Félix Guyon site and Sud site (which includes the hospitals of Saint-Pierre, Saint Louis, Saint Joseph, Le Tampon, Cilaos and mental health centres).

Its fundamental missions :
Care and prevention, teaching, research and innovation, regional and international cooperation.
In addition to its fundamental missions, it also ensures :
Emergencies, continuous care, management of palliative care, continuous professional training, the fight against exclusion and the reception of people in difficulty, public health actions.
The challenges :
- Strengthening local care
- Improved access to care for highly specialized care
- Support for the development of healthcare networks with other health operators
- Support for medical and nursing demographics
- A response adapted to the specific health problems of La Réunion and Mayotte

The University Hospital of La Réunion, a key actor in research
Research is one of the fundamental missions of the University Hospital of La Réunion.
In accordance with regional public health requirements, the university hospital project, which governs the development of health research activities in the territory, is organized around three priority areas :
- Chronic and metabolic diseases
- Infectious diseases and immunopathology
- Perinatal/genetics.
These three thematic axes are based on the geographical, demographic, sociological and transitional specificities of the Indian Ocean Region.
Clinical research at the University Hospital of La Réunion is an opportunity for the territory and for reunionese patients and those of the Indian Ocean Region. As a result, in the same way as care and teaching, clinical research is a natural part of the daily activity of the various hospital departments.
After ten years of existence ,the University Hospital of La Réunion has achieved concrete results and ambitious objectives in the field of research, due to the collaboration oof all the actors concerned, including researchers, care teams, technical facilities, management and our external partners.
The evolution of publications fully reflects the dynamics of researchers. Health research activity has indeed been increasing strongly for several years and is now in first place in the territory in terms of scientific valorisation measured by publications in scientific journals (170 publications on average each year).
In order to pursue its development and research dynamics, the University Hospital of La Réunion created two facilities ::
- The Clinical and Translational Research Facility, whose ambition is, among other things, to give the reunionese population access to phase 1 and 2 trials (for example in the cancer treatment).
- The Réunion-Mayotte Rare Disease Coordination Facility (RE-MA-RARES facility) is a one-stop service for the reception and orientation of patients affected by a rare disease, with or without a diagnosis. Located within Hospital of Saint Pierre, its primary objective is to fight against diagnostic and therapeutic wandering.
The University Hospital of La Réunion has also set up an ambitious project, included in its future establishment project, to create a “Cohort” facility, the aim of which is to pursue and deepen knowledge of the health determinants of the reunionese population.

University Hospital of La Réunion - North

University Hospital of La Réunion - South



