Indian Ocean Health Research Congress

9 and 10 November 2022

Public Health : Prevention for health in island and tropical environments

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The University Hospital of La Réunion organized its
3rd Indian Ocean Health Research Congress

on 9-10 November 2022 in La Réunion

The theme of this edition was

Public Health: Prevention for health in island and tropical environments

The Congress took place at

the Stella Matutina Museum in Saint Leu

The words of the President of the Indian Ocean Health Research Congress:

“The scientific committee, the steering committee and the organising committee of the congress are particularly pleased to invite you to the 3rd Indian Ocean Health Research Congress organised by the University Hospital of La Réunion. This congress is an opportunity to celebrate a return to face-to-face meetings and sharing between the members of the congress, during and around the sessions

What better way to bring us together around Health than the theme of Prevention. Prevention is the central issue in Public Health and is present in all medical specialities. Whether it is a question of preventing healthy people from becoming ill, of being able to detect disease as early as possible in order to ensure optimal management to cure the greatest number of people, or when the disease is established to reduce its impact in terms of disability and mortality, prevention is the central pillar of health.

The Covid pandemic has indeed brought back to the front line the prime health adage “Prevention is better than cure! ”

For the community of researchers and health actors, it is therefore essential to compare experiences, to present and discuss recent work in this field, based on the experience and evidence developed within our territories and adapted to our populations in order to offer them the best for them.

This congress is open to all the islands of the Indian Ocean and to all health disciplines. We hope that new projects and great collaborations will be born from the sharing of experiences and discussions.
Do not hesitate to submit your abstracts or just register to participate!

On behalf of the congress committees, I encourage you to come in great numbers and I look forward to our future discussions! ”

Prof. Catherine Marimoutou

Chair of the scientific commitee
Coordinator of the CIC Inserm 1410
Associate Professor in Public Health
President of the “Association des épidémiologistes de langue française” (ADELF)

You can also find in the subsections of this tab, the organizing, steering and scientific committees,
our partners or all the information on the last two editions.

Theme of the 3rd edition: Prevention in an island environment & tropical

The Health Research Congress is co-financed by the European Union and the Réunion Region